keep digging that hole
we sent you out from East Aurora a few years ago, I still hang out with him from time to time, whens the last you heard from him?
Shrives do you REALLY think I care? Like, why does it matter? I used to go to the meets, talk to like 2 people for 5 minutes, feel out of place and peace out. Theres no point in me visiting a site who pushes away the younger crowd, because they enjoy things that the majority of the site doesn’t approve with. Fucking mature. Seriously. I’m done with that site and everyone on it. I made no friends and lost no friends because of that site so it’s not like I have any reason to be butt hurt, but they can all think what they want.
I don’t give two shits about the whole thing to be honest, you just sound stupid for constantly putting down a site like ditb. They do take to a younger crowd, shit i started hanging out with half those guys when i was 18yo. You just take everything personal and need to grow thicker skin, for instance you totalling your mkIV or selling your gti every other week, yea you will get a bunch of smartass comments, but you deserve them. It’s no big deal. Yes, there are idiots on there, there are everywhere, but 99% of the people that I know on there are awesome people.
You have a poor attitude towards the whole situation. I don’t care what you do or where you huff and puff, but ill call you out when you start putting down a great local community like ditb that has been great to me. Grow up a little bit and maybe start taking some of the advice given to you for once…
for realz
but in all honesty that site is a lot different than it was 4 years ago. i dont even know half of the kids on that site anymore. all the og’s are gone for the most part, (where the fuck is seamus??) and its just not the same anymore
eh, these things happen
For real. Im in. Hit me up.
People I can actually enjoy the presence of from there (people i think are really cool)
Chris (trent)
Jay wonch
Tom (vwtobimmer)
Steve Heine
and a few others I’m sure I’m forgetting.
They and a few of the others are truly, genuinely nice people. It’s just the older assholes who just act miserable towards life and mistakes ALL kids make, and NEED to make to learn life that really irk me.
You understand, I know you all do. I’m just going to continue to not visit the site and stay on good terms with the better crowd from the site.
I talked to hadley awhile back, few months ago online just said what up…
I think DITB is a decent community. Sure a fair portion of the members aren’t the biggest tech heads and might not know everything, but neither do you or I. A lot of the kids are young, yes, but so were we at one point in time, and fuck based off this thread I still haven’t completely grown up and probably never will.
I think DITB though, if you’re active, provides a great sense of community, most the people who have been involved for years are for the love of cars in general and are honest nice people. I have been involved with UBRF, NYSpeed and DITB longer then a LOT of the people here, and while they’re all great forums, I think DITB when I was active with them provided the most - everyone helped each other out, friendly, and had the best sense of community. I might not be active and on there anymore and maybe its gotten bad, but fuck, I can’t see it going too downhill…
and shit, I hate VWs
I hate them too
I don’t need to add much, because it’s already been said but: First- This prank is hilarious, I wish I could have been there. It’s the Craigslist casual encounters, not fucking It’s not like anyone was led on for weeks thinking they met someone special- they just wanted to meet up with some broad for a one night stand, and it didn’t happen.
And, as a member since DITB started, it was a great site then, and it’s a great site now. People grow up, and with houses/full time jobs/families, a lot of the OG members don’t always have time to dedicate to the hobby. I’ve never seen people discriminated because of age. A lot of people were in high school when they joined years ago, and I’ve met a bunch of cool newer people this year. You do nothing but complain about the site, the meets, the people, and Volkswagens in general, so you don’t have a leg to stand on in my opinion.
fucking priceless…
awaiting round 2 of even more hilarious pranks
ot: but hadsumads actually drinks with us once in a while, pm me ur nmbr or aim s/n we all should get together and reak havoc.
my sentiments as well
Just to be honest since, well, I like being honest: I probably would have been laughing my ass off.
I mean, like airhead pointed out, it was just a shameless hookup website so it’s not like those dudes thought they were meeting a chick who was interested in them as a person.
Still not my idea of a good time, but who am I to judge? :uhh:
CKY sorry to hear that you haven’t gotten along well over there. I haven’t been on there in a long time, but it did seem sort of “clicky” or however you want to spell it, but that’s the nature of a smaller community base. They all seemed like pretty decent guys though. :gotme: If they’re not your cup of tea then don’t hang out there. There are plenty of people on here who are more than happy to flame you.
if take 2 is going on, really need to video tape this one. any suggestions of what will be done. or is this going to be a big surprise. would really love to see this one in person for the big laugh, but im sure that will never happen. lol
Older bunch of guys? Most of us are in our mid-to-late 20s. I’m going cane shopping and joining AARP next week.
<3 you buddy. You were a mess when you first joined, but you rolled with the punches and improved.
It is different now, but it is hard to keep things the same over time. People change, move and explore different hobbies. What can you do :shrug:
I’m flattered to make your list of cool people, but you just listed a majority of the top posters. Weird that 99% of us are fags.
This is about right.
I don’t get it. When you had your MK4, you constantly ranted that you hated it. Then you totaled it. What did you replace it with? Another VW. Except this time you got one with an automatic transmission, after you asked us about it and we told you not to do it.
The reality of the situation is that you wanted Evo performance, but you bought a VW. By no means am I hating on the GTI, in fact, it is a great car for what it is. You are capable of getting over 30 MPG, it had a wonderful amount of cargo room with the seats folded down, and has a very nice interior. On top of it all, it is pretty fun to drive. Not as good as an Evo obviously, but far more practical.
This guy has been around for ever and is extremely dedicated to the hobby. Well said my man!
Fry used to show up with stories/issues with his VW. You were a pretty good fit, but you don’t really feel at home until you show up to GTGs. Most of us have gotten to know each other through the years of Tuesdays at Taffy’s/Buffalo Brewpub and traveling together to shows. A lot of us became friends and started doing things outside of our car hobby. JAM introduced me to Allen St. (maybe not a good thing) but you can’t Show up for ten minutes and jet, then complain that everyone sucks. Ya gotta give a little.
I have been with DITB since day one. I am very proud of what it has been, currently is, and will become. Some of the best friendships that I have had in the past 5 years have come from that site. Granted, my tastes have changed over time, but there are still a few VWs that I really like.
Their diesel engine line has been fantastic through the years.
The first generation golf/rabbit was revoultionary, and many cars wouldn’t be as good as they are without it for inspiration.
The first generation Scirocco remains the best FWD car I have ever driven. I have driven a lot of FWD cars, nothing comes close. It was light and blast to throw around.
I just realized that I could go on with this forever, so I’ll spare everyone. VWs are what they are. There really isn’t a ton of reasons to hate them, but people will regardless.
Sorry for taking this so far off topic Fry!
And to JJ.
You can fuck yourself.
miata driving beetle loving faggot.
I am sure it was funny to be there, but a picture of 20 guys in red hats standing around would have been hilarious.
Psh. VW’s blow!
Naw I actually liked my Jetta a lot, lol and the general consensus seems to be that MKIV’s were the worst gen. If I hadn’t needed something bigger I’d probably still have it, still bitching about it breaking, still asking for advice from you guys.
You guys seem like a good group of guys. I think I said something about a clique, maybe “tight-knit” would be a better word.
On a totally unrelated note, any of you guys know Erin Guggino? I think I remember her mentioning knowing DITB guys once. :shrug:
well you talk shit about people you have never even met before, so sorry you’re not the kind of kid people are going to welcome with open arms.
but PS. YOU actually are a HUGE fggt… sry bro :-/ I feel bad because your parents probably love you and all, but srsly you’re incredibly immature and a huge pussy… GL with all that.