Cramer v Stewart

I haven’t paid attention to this but saw it last night and Cramer seems like a man who is in fear of his job and rep.

It’s kind of pathetic that this period of yellow journalism has gotten so bad that a comedian is considered an example of journalistic integrity.

He seemed to be tearin apart Cramer pretty good. Cramer took it well though it seemed.

They should have Santelli on and destroy him on instead. He’s an idiot.

This feud is great for both of their ratings.
But Im glad to see those who pushed a bad market being called out. Throw Barney Frank into that category too.

I have heard of midget fighting but, mental midget fighting?

Actually since the feud started, Kramer’s ratings are down 24%. Stewart’s are up 20%.

Stewert has ruined people before, and it looks like Jim Cramer is next

Cramer had it coming.

Cramer is an asshole anyway and his show is a joke. Good riddance if I never have to flip to another episode of “Mad Money”.

i actually think the daily show and colbert report re a lot more reliable than most mainstream news


He certainly crushed Crossfire. What’s Tucker Carlson doing these days, selling used cars?