Mad Money with Jim Kramer, who watches?

I just started watching Mad money a few times this past 3 weeks. Who watches, it Seems like good info


Watch it for entertainment value only. You would get similar results, just throwing darts at names of companies. If you look there are some websites that show if his predictions were any good. Most of them are not.

He’s pretty much an entertaining at times toolbag.


if you follow what he says, he has a pretty good precentage gain every year, like5 or 6% profit

My mutual funds made over 20 percent this year in just a few different blend funds.

The entire market is way up.

So does the S&P

. lol.

ahhh you guys are all a bunch of dildos

Kramer’s an ass. Read the Financial Times if you want good info.

He’s so good he didn’t see the colapse of our economic system comming.

Yea, real good.

someone post up the dailyshow vids.

^yes. do this. somebody.

LOL. Those were uncomfortable to watch. Stewart was practically blaming the entire recession on him and Cramer just sat there and took it. He’s a better sport than he is financial advisor at least.

my nephew swears by this show, he’s a stock/forex trader in florida. He tells me to watch this guy and get into the business, i’m just amused by the sound fx and the man screaming at the camera.

I’ve yet to sit and seriously listen, but as of late i’ve swayed away from tv so i need to check it out again

He’s an entertaining and likeable enough guy. I watch occasionally and enjoy it. I just wouldn’t put my money into his picks.

I bought FCX when he recommended it. Bought at $31.75. Should have held on to it, but oh well. I sold at $50. It’s about $81 today.

I’ve yet to see the daily show videos… googling.

he’s entertaining… I remember somebody telling me about some people who make money by playing the lemmings that follow him. It’s sad that he has enough influence to shift stock prices. Something like they wait for people to artificially inflate his picks then they short them before they fall back in line.

first of all let me say i love the internet… i never saw this episode…

I feel bad for cramer, because you know the writers of the daily show spent a TON of time planning how to tear him apart… totally caught him off guard. (ps, im not defending him, just feel bad) :lol:

I do SALUTE him though… wrote a bunch of books, has a show, did a lot of other stuff, made a lot of money, living the american dream… good for him!

No one is saying he hasn’t made a ton of money, but people, esp. newbies, that watch his show thinking they are going to get rich following his picks are morans.