crash at delta sonic on the blvd

wow…what a dumb bitch…My gf if one of those that like talk on the cell while driving

HAAAAA YEA…it was :gay:

Careful Unki Juan, you never want to put “dumb bitch” and “my gf” in the same sentence, especially if there’s a possibility she can hear/read it…

was the nissan hurt badly?

Do you ever know what youre talking about?

Read officerk’s post again. He is very correct. The cherokees were known for taking off randomly when starting. Im guessing the chick had her car shut off, turned it on when she was at the end of the conveyor, and her car just went flying. Chances are she didnt know about this and just thought WHAT THE FUCK when it happened.

You are probably the most irritating kid to watch any sports with. “OMG that QB sucks he totally shouldve not done that. I do everything perfectly because im HRK.”

Oh…don’t worry…she already knows :rofl:

remember NOT calling Matt ovet to move them we would jsut take off and he would get so pissed

werd… didnt help that she was on her phone either lol :roll: I wonder if she was still talking after she rolled it :smiley:

hell no he never does if it’s not turbocharged or involves bodywork. creepy nick is a shady asshat who face rapes 5yr olds but i sure like reading his stuff more than yours :tup:

Yeah, I had my pedal stick, so i would just shut it down and coast, and start it back up when I was going too slow… when I got home, I just lubed everything up, disconnected the cruise, worked the pedal, and then it was all good. I still dont know what the real problem was, and its never happened again.

happened on my old supercoupe (I had shitty walmart floormats that got bunched up near the pedal all the time) a few times.

scared the shit out of me the first time lol all of a sudden going WOT for no apparent reason… I just always pulled the floor mat back and problem solved

I guess it takes a certain type of loser to actually like reading his bullshit :tup:

That’s why I don’t have floormats.