Crashes That Changed Racing History

Very Interesting

is it supposed to have sound?

1955 LeMans crash with the mercedes. HOLY FUCK.

it does

this is really good, thanks for posting it up! i’m on part 3 now

was there a part 6?

Seriously, a 100% must watch, that was damn interesting :tup:

yea wtf, wheres the rest of it!!!

it was good

Excellent, but where is the last part. :o

Also I’m surprised they didn’t cover the last two years of the group B rally given the nature of it, and how it ended.

It as OK. Don’t know if I would go out of my way to find other part to watch them too.

yea, my speakers were down for the count for a little bit. i assumed it did.

I can only hope Aryton Senna is on there (I’m not watching it).

exellent find…

Yup, first story they cover. They went with the “lost downforce” explanation of the wreck. I know there are a few others out there, I find the broken steering shaft explanation pretty compelling myself. Either way, Imola '94 was a very sad race weekend.