crazy mini van

well we were sitting inside joes house and we hear a commotion which i thought was squeeling tires. turs out it was a mini van ridin on rims with no tires on fire. buncha sirens fire trucks a god aweful burning smell yadda yadda… we ride over to the scene and get right accross the street and snapped a few pics. at first we thought it was like a huge high speed chase but what we heard was it was a lady tha drove home to her house and had no clue her shit was ablaze. although i dunno how you couldnt notice that your tires are missing and your wheel is on fire.

van in drive way
scratch marks on how close it was to the a parked car.

more van in driveway

i also have pics of the womans husband but i prolly shouldnt post that.


there were people with no shoes. and now that im listening to this we did move in groups to get closer.