Crazy Tunnel in Russia

it’s a tunnel under a river, and it leaks water - and in the winter it turns to ice… and this is what happens…

In Russia The Tunnel Pwns J00!

holy shit, ive seen that bus crash before, but not the others.

Its like a Russian drift competition.

In Soviet Russia, tunnel drifts you!

l33t-bus drifto, no points for hitting the wall though.

i’d shit my pants if i was on that bus

those are crazy! the one at 40 seconds in tho is totally the fault of the guy moving into the left lane like a dumbass lol

the bus was so fuckin funny

The 2 bread trucks ramming each other was fucking nasty! :smiley:

word that was a nasty dance by that bus, imagine sitting in the back seat on that one lol

that video is older than the internet, shit, it might be half as old as YOU Howie :wink:

fuck that tunnel…i’m happy with my ice free roads :slight_smile: