Old but good...well not for the drivers in the tunnel

Magic trick at 56sec
1 truck…2 trucks

awesome… i looped that one part like 5x.

is it paved with glass?

i think the problem is speed and morons…bad mix

wow, that is weird. wtf is going on and where that truck come from. lol

That particular tunnel was under some river, I guess for the first year it was opened it had a leaking problem and insufficient drainage, which lead to black ice in the winter months. They eventually fixed that problem though.

Either way though, that 2nd truck kinda just sublimed into existence lol.

Does anyone have a logical explination for that 2nd truck being there? I was bottled in the mind region.

I think it was disabled on the shoulder…it appears to be backwards the whole time before collision. Maybe a previous accident spun the truck around and the second truck clipped it.

The guy stopping at 55s looks to be inches away from the crash. He had to be sweating bullets.