CrazyLT1 > FormulaLS1

Ya I know, Formula’s car does moves good! I didn’t think it would be as close as it was - I had maybe 2 cars on him.
Ya Skrapper, we can run again if you want. The only thing is that people with cars like yours always want to start from higher speed rolls. I understand that everyone wants to start in their own cars best spots, but I think there should be a little give and take.

For example, EvilSRT and I were talking about getting a run in, but he said he wants to START from a 60 MPH roll! Now I undertand that your cars are good starting from higher speeds, but you also should undertand that cars like mine are actually geared and built to be best from a DIG. So I think that a good COMPROMISE, or “meet in the middle” would be to start for like a 30 MPH roll.
That way we can both be closer to where we want to be without one person having a total advantage. Also, according to this boad, roll races are supposed to be from 30-130, and I think it is only fair to do that unless BOTH people agree on somethin different.

And Skrapper, dont think I’m throwing this at you, cause I know your real cool, and we have agreed on stuff be4 all our races. I’m just throwin it out there…