Credit Rates

Oh cool. And this is a service through banks or do I need to look around for companies? Seems like “debt consolidation” is used all over now.

You use the checks. If you have to, call and confirm that the checks are valid for the 0% balance transfer rate.

Keep them all open. Closing them with hurt your credit utilization.

any normal credit union should be able to help you out if the numbers work. Avoid any of the TV ads or places that look shady.

:tup: to paying off all credit cards every month… then you wouldn’t have this problem…

Only go through a bank or credit union, but make sure its a normal loan and is used for consolidation where you pay off all your other debt and just have 1 payment. The other companies out there will kill your credit score.

the guy had medical problems, give him a break.

Thats some good thinking. I will talk to the credit union next to my office tomorrow about this and see what they suggest. It would be nice to put my car and credit cards into one payment.


bump. I just recently found out that some BS credit monitoring service has been charging me 13 bucks a month since january becuase supposedly I checked my credit in january with trans union and signed up for a 30 day free trial which expired and started charging me monthly. They say I have had an account with trans-union from 05 when i pulled my report (which I did) but I havent checked my credit since 07 and would definitely not sign up for some monitoring service. I am disputing it with HSBC now. I have also stopped that service and they have credited my card for decembers ‘payment’. (btw, I never check my statement because I dont use the card regularly, I am focusing on paying down the balance.)

regardless, is this legit? I dont want to put myself into the same situation, but I would like to know what my score is. I also plan on getting my free report soon, but those dont include a score.

I tried awhile back, no problems… Not the best source, but free you can’t complain. They never ask for any credit card numbers either :tup:

only CC i use is 0%, but even then whatever i put on it gets paid off once i get my bill

Every year I seem to have like 15 grand in CC debt by xmas, but usually I pay it off w/ my bonus. I just need to get it turned around so I have no CC debt at xmas and can spend my bonus throughout the year. haha.

I have a couple cards with no balance, paid every month.

I have an AMEX card that I never use, only for premium car rental insurance and stuff like that.

AMEX jacked the rate to 22% (from 8%), and they reduced the limit.

No loss to me, I only use the card a couple times a year.

I just called AMEX yesterday regarding my Blue card. My APR for purchases jumped 5% in November from 10.24 to 15.24. After about an hour discussing all options a ailable to me, they reduced my rate to 14.24…:lol:

I highly recommend watching this:

You could probably find a torrent somewhere.

You’re lucky this isnt the politics forum or u would be banned!!! :ohnoes:

I dOnt remember if we had a politics forum in july lol, didnt see the date

slightly relevant bump.

dec 18th my credit score at was a 609.

today its 697. I am pretty pumped. all i did was pay off my cards to below 30% utilization.

I am so pumped.

yep. 702!

and it still doesnt reflect that I paid off the 1200 balance on the 3k loan I got out in june…