WTF Capital One?

I was 3 days late with a CC payment. Statement due date August 13, statement balance $2500. So last night (August 16) I log on and click pay full balance which was $6400.

Today my CC doesn’t work so I call Capital One and they shut my card off because I was 3 days late with a payment and they won’t turn it back on until the entire balance, not the statement balance, is paid off in full which they say today is $74 more than it was last night. So I have to pay them another $74 and I’ll get to use my card tomorrow.

What. The. Fuck? Are these some kind of fucked up new CC laws or is Capital One dicking me around?

They did at least refund the $48 dollar late payment fee, but I can’t believe they even levied one for 3 days. You usually get at least a week grace period.

But seriously though, the special girl on the phone said that nothing’s changed but are these new rules or something?

There are no grace periods anymore. Welcome to the new world of credit cards now that the government is done protecting all the deadbeats from the credit card companies.

I think Jay just called you a deadbeat :tup: :tup: :tup:

Well he’s right apparently. So these are new rules?

Hahaha… no, I was referring to all the new regulations that caused the CC companies to jack rates and fees on their good customers like Fry.

lol, Clearly you don’t know Fry well enough.

It all varies by credit card company, but as a general rule if you were a good customer with a great credit rating who paid on time and didn’t pay minimum balances chances are changes have occurred to your account rules that have made it worse. The new laws have taken away a ton of revenue that was being generated off deadbeats so the card companies are making it up anywhere they’re still allowed to (read, on the backs of their responsible credit users).

setup autopay for at least the minimum balance then pay whatever you want in addition. it will prevent this sort of thing from happening.

personally, I set it for the full statement balance, I’d rather overdraft from my bank if I’m going to screw something up.

I was 6 days late with mine because I guess I forgot to click the make payment button and closed the window out. I’v never been late with it and I always pay it on time. Next thing I know, I’m getting calls from a collection company saying they are collecting for the total amount owed. I couldn’t believe that they did that so quick!! It almost made me think about getting rid of my card, but then I thought about it and I would be the only one I would be hurting.

Years ago, I was a bill collector at NCO, capital one was my department. I don’t know what rules and regulations have changed in the many years since, but I would never ever want a capital one card. They seemed to be as vicious as discover…or pretty much any other card i guess. So many stories of payment due dates getting changed to 3 days earlier with only 1 day notice by a letter in the mail, then late fees through the roof. Or payments being “held” for verification and processing until a day after they were due, thus making them a late payment.

Join a credit union and get a credit card through them, that seems to be the safest way about it, if there is such a thing.

BOA tried to jack up my rates to like 24% after being a perfect paying customer for over 20 years. My payment got there a little late thanks to the USPS. I got it down to 14% which is still a total ripoff.

few more years of digging out of my shit mess…

I guess it’s the new norm. I suppose zero tolerance is exactly what this country needs anyhow. I just couldn’t believe it. “So you can see that I paid you $6500 dollars last night. And you’re telling me that you need $74 dollars more before you will turn my card back on. And my statement balance that I was 3 days late on was $2500. Fine, but fuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.”

Word to big bird. My only redeeming talent is that I interview well. Poor new coworkers…

the only thing my credit card is used for anymore is for my ezpass and as the backup for my paypal, which never gets used as i just use cash transfers. anywhere online i go to(ecstuning, summitracing, etc) you can pay with paypal now and anywhere else in person i just use cash. if you dont have cash, dont spend. if you need cash or to build credit, get a loan instead.

It is the new norm but this happened to me BEFORE the melt down. Maybe they saw it coming. :gotme:

It’s REALLY naive to say that you should never use credit cards or that you should take a loan out instead.

Always ahead of the curve aren’t you?

I have a capital one credit card and never had a grace period with them. Also, my late payment fee was $33. lol

---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

Be thankful they didn’t shut you off. My friend had a sears card for years upon years. Went to pay it off in full to then charge on some appliances. Once they got all their money they said thank you have a nice day and closed his account. lol Its not even that he wasn’t making at least the minimum amount per month payment.

why? i may not understand economics that well but i would rather have a little less in the bank and no debt then a little more in the bank and having debt. with how the economy is now, and the fact that its only going to get much worse, i really dont want to have any kind of debt, especially on a CC. too many people live outside of their means.

Uggh. Sears card. hatehatehatehate My account was inactive for a while so they sold it to a credit card company (I forget which), who opened a new card in my name without my consent. I fucking flipped shit when I saw an account I didn’t open on my credit report and tracked down what had happened. It was borderline illegal. Some people filed suit. I don’t know if anyone won.