
How?! That’s hilarious! :lol:

My GF has Uggs and Crocs. I pick on her all the time about how bad they suck.

Sadly I bought her the Uggs. Therefore I suck.

Crocs=Fail/ PS-WTF is going on with all of the custom title changes? THIS IS FUCKING MADNESS!

lol i remember u asking on here about where to get them

Kevin, just kill me now :frowning:

haha mcell is so effeminate

ohh yeah ryan, no offence to your GF and me calling them an attention whore.

God i hate crocs. Honestly, the only guys i have ever seen wearing them were holding hands with other men with highlighted hair talking like a “sweetieeeee” ass flamboyant faggot. There soo fuckin ugly god. I told my girlfriend if she ever even thought about wearing them i would not be seen in public anywhere with her.Thank god she hates them as well lol. :tdown" for crocs

lol sounds like adam.

I dont mind UGGS, I hate crocs

You must really like your gf, lmao.

lol they really are like the worst looking shoe,sandel, slipper, clogg, what ever the fuck they are, ever to be created lol.When ever i see someone wearing them out in public i want to beat them over the head with them lol.


Post of the year.


+2 i was dying lol


Fucking hell! Stop changing my title! :lol:

Oh noez you don’t like it either! lol

You should be happy with yours, it could’ve been much worse.

slow :bigclap: