The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

$800 rent
$100 cable and interwebs
$350 car payment
$200 in gas for said car
$100 in food a week for the house
$40 a week if you go out once for a night dinner and drinks
$100 for cell phone plan with data and shit

$1690 all for Eat, sleep, work, repeat.

Add in credit card bills if you have them, cigs if ya smoke, booze if ya drink, coffee in the morning every morning, and all the other shit you religiously do when you get in rhythm of life. You will end up with less than 1K to put a way a month.

Keep in mind most kids fresh out of school, getting their first real job, out on their own, etc. grossly underbudget themselves and “reward” themselves more than they should. I did it, we all do it. Thats life I guess.