The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

He would be making around 40k take home. Or roughly 3300 a month. 2600 is left once you pay the average student loan of 700 dollars a month. Thats really not that bad. A nice apartment, car and a little savings.

A couple years ago maybe not. Now… Yeah that’s some bullshit. No one is buying. Plus if 60K+ was done in a year your gonna need a dealer license(unless you sell the limit under all your relatives names) and file taxes.

you have to admit, it would be a lot harder now.

Yeah i don’t really agree with that. I do think college is a waste if you get any of those degrees at a shit college. College is all about networking and building bridges. I do go to a trade school in a way (pharmacy). By the time i graduate ill have done 12+ internships and have worked in 3 locations. Maybe its different for me but i think education is vital. I’d take a business admin from yale and all the debt accrued vs. working right out of school any day just because the degree has value.

$800 rent
$100 cable and interwebs
$350 car payment
$200 in gas for said car
$100 in food a week for the house
$40 a week if you go out once for a night dinner and drinks
$100 for cell phone plan with data and shit

$1690 all for Eat, sleep, work, repeat.

Add in credit card bills if you have them, cigs if ya smoke, booze if ya drink, coffee in the morning every morning, and all the other shit you religiously do when you get in rhythm of life. You will end up with less than 1K to put a way a month.

Keep in mind most kids fresh out of school, getting their first real job, out on their own, etc. grossly underbudget themselves and “reward” themselves more than they should. I did it, we all do it. Thats life I guess.

Not legally. You can only buy/sell up to 4 cars a year without NYS dealer liscense. Unless of course, you made $ 15k profit off each car. Using your figures, you would’ve made more than max unemployment benefits and shouldn’t have been receiving state aid at all.

Not legally. You can only buy/sell up to 4 cars a year without NYS dealer liscense. Unless of course, you made $ 15k profit off each car. Using your figures, you would’ve made more than max unemployment benefits and shouldn’t have been receiving state aid at all.[/quote]

I’ve sold more then 4 cars a year since I was 16 years old EVERY SINGLE YEAR and have never had a problem EVER… And I never got unemployment in my life, what do you mean state aid?

This is because you don’t title the cars through DMV. You sell them open title therefore dmv has no idea you’ve owned them

wrong… another one who talks about shit they dont know about.

That’s what I figured you were doing too. I owned a few vehicles I never registered or titled to my name and ended up selling them.

Im not gonna lie, ive def sold a few open title vehicles but not all of them were at all… Usually I reg and insure the shit i buy and drive it around for a few weeks until the title comes and then flip it.

I could be wrong but I coulda sworn the 4 or 6 vehicles per year thing was for buying cars at an auction…

Regaurdless I’ve bought and sold an AVERAGE of 10-12 cars PER YEAR EVERY YEAR since I got my license and never got notififed or anything. In fact, everytime I go to DMV the lady laughs at me because the history shows all the cars ive registered.

its 6 a year, then they give you a hard time registering the next one.

So dont register them, you can get a title transferred to your name without registering them.

Where is our resident DMV expert / employee when we need them?