The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

Retirement, job security, tenure, to name a few.

A good friend of mine just got hired by GlobalFoundries making $60,000 + bonuses. 4 year bachelors degree, 0 years experience.

is $60k really that good for sacraficing an extra 4 years of your life? I’ve made that much when I was unemployed flipping cars on craigslist back in the day.

If I was gonna go to college id make sure when I got out I’d make at least $100k a year… Then again im from down state in a city where if you make under $65k a year your considered poor.

100k plus club checking in! I’m making like half of that as an intern haha

Ya gotta… All that time and effort and stress.

I know people that work at Dunkin Donuts that make over $40k, whats the point of college if ya aint makin bank??? You seem to be on the right track however.

Hell yeah man. I want to leave work behind after a 9-5 day, so college is the way to go. Get my company to pay for my Masters, make even more bank, get some crazy close to the top executive position with BALLER perks and I’ll feel like I did it right.

I’m chasing the dream, more in the corporate way though :lol

Probably should have waited for a better example, after taxes and loan payments your friend wont be making much at all.

I would assume he’s a Tool Tech by that range no?


I have a 2 year degree in nose picking and I now make over that. Never had a student loan either.

This. If I’m going to invest 4 years of my time and money into my education I damn well better be putting it towards making a sizeable income.

I make like 20k a year. I ain’t even mad.

Process Engineer


i’m in the military, and besides benefits, we don’t get paid shit in the grand scheme of things lol… the civilian equivalent of my job is a 100k+ position, right now, i’m WELL below half of that…

So flipping cars and shit from craigslist doesnt take much time effort or stress? :rofl

nah my doo you just spray it a hot color, put some dope rimz on it, and claim it has 600whp and runs 10s.

click clack aint no thang durty

Retirement, LOL
Job Security, LOL LOL

401K ANYONE can put money into, even unemployed. Social Security you will never see. Even pentions and shit states and companies try to dwindle down when that time comes for you, unless you are top of the food chain, and make so fucking much you dont need a retirement.

Job security. HA. You mean to tell me your job you can work till you die in if you choose to? NOBODY has any security when it comes to staying employed, WHEN IT ISNT WORKING FOR THEMSELVES. Then self employment “job security” is in your hands, so its a void point anyway.

Tenure. At will employment homie. Motherfuckers can fire, transfer you to a shit position you will quit from, “down size”, or just straight up find a way to get rid of you if they want to. Everything is so by the books, common “good” employees are breaking the rules ever day. Hell I am right now, one screen I have a server terminal session open and I am working, other I am posting this on shift. Company policy says internet use should be work related. I could get written up for this, strike 2 and 3 and they can fire me. This day and age you can look at someone wrong at the water cooler and if they wanted to your ass would get written up for it.

Face it, anything YOU dont have control over, someone else has said control over you.

First of all I dont flip cars on craigslist anymore…

Second of all why are you laughing???

Flipping cars was the easiest thing I have ever done in my life and NO, it didnt take much time at ALL, DEF no effort and no, not a whole lot of stress…

Half the time when I bought a car I made the person drive it to me, I’d then take 4 pictures of the car, spend about 7 minutes listing in online and wait for phone calls…

Again, no time, no effort, no stress…

It sounds to me like you have everything figured out there guy. One thing is certain though, and that is I am not going to sit here and argue on the internet with a bunch of strangers about how college is beneficial in the long run. If you have to even doubt that for a second then, well, I don’t know what to really tell you.

Krazykid is the resident know it all.

I am just giving my 2 cents based on what I SEE, every day, all day. I did the college thing and got a degree in computer science. I got a job instantly, and worked in my field (still, its my day job) for the last 8 years or so, non stop. But in that time my company laid me off because of loss of contract twice, and NONE of the places I worked at were solid enough, made me like my job enough, and made me feel comfortable enough to think “Yeah i could retire from here.”

Not to mention I “know it all” becasue I have a very diverse network of contacts; lawyers, cops, business owners, business managers, aunt is a head hunter for high end employment, family in the school system, on and on. I have always been a sponge for knowledge so I tend to know alot, if you feel that way, becasue I pay attention to everything around me very well.

Come by and meet me/us, dont be a stranger and your outlook for Shift might change a bit.

Glad I could be of assistance. Heck its gotta be better than resident dumb shit, so at least I have that going for me. :rofl