The College Conspiracy

Interesting video. While it’s no conspiracy and some “facts” a little far fetched there is a lot of good info in here that you have to find between his pitches for you to buy gold and silver.

*Warning - 1 hour long.

Also goes along with the old thread we had

With this image.

So college system is a mess.

Agree? Disagree?

its all nonsense

How so?

I can name you a number of my friends that are very successful without getting a 4 year degree, making good money the entire time I was in school.

I can also name you plenty of graduates that don’t work in their “major” field or just have below average jobs and salaries after their college education. Many others that went in for more schooling and more loans because they “couldn’t find a job in this economy”.

Stupid as FUCK

I know for a fact that most don’t end up working in the field of their major, BUT the Video just seemed like an ad telling people to buy gold and silver or else “even millionaire’s will be broke”

Dumb ******

Well I wouldn’t go as far as calling him dumb.

From what I understand he’s a millionaire from fear mongering people into stocks.

You go to class half the people don’t show up or pay attention, its all about partying and good time and living the college experience.

I’m not saying he’s 100% right because he clearly has a hidden agenda, but the other graph I posted is from an unrelated source that paints the same picture.

People go to school just to do it without passion for what they go in for. American manufacturing is down and people can’t think for themselves or have a well rounded education upon graduation as they can’t even pin point major countries on a map.

School taught me nearly nothing about real world or even being an entrepreneur and doing things such as Shift.


People with a degree will earn more, on average, than those who don’t

I have no statistics nor data to back this up. Suck on deezzzz nuts.

Well while you’re earning your degree those without could be going to trade school and making money without loans instead of making next to nothing and going in debt. Upon graduation the guy who went to trade school could be as high as $100k ahead.

I’m not saying it’s the way to go but college now doesn’t mean what it did 20 years ago when it was prestigious. Now you’re just average for being a graduate.

Hard to compete with average.

SMD. I will earn a college degree if I want. IDC if mother RUSSIA thinks it’s stupid.

Making money doing what, busting their asses with no retirement?

Totally agree.

i think colledge nowadays is partially a joke . esp seein as most of the shit ya learn is useless to a point . unless the ones that teach girls how to be whores

Who says you wont have retirement?

Bitches be born whores breh

true , but colladge unleashes it

College is GREAT if you dont want the responsibility of a business and are ok with having a boss… It also cuts stress away as you dont have to worry about getting your next check… College is a waist if you start your own business… All you need is a good idea to succeed…

My father dropped out of school in like 10th grade I think… He just sold his business that he started with a prepaid cell phone and $5k for $750,000.

true , your almost better off with "street smarts "than a colledge degree in some cases

Seeing as how John can’t fucking spell COLLEGE right.

i didnt got to colledge

Your dad sold coke?
