The College Conspiracy

lmao thats funny… nah, back when gold was $300 an ounce and there was not one single we buy gold store, he made a gold route… Over the yrs he got good acounts and did real good… It was retarded of him to sell the business and for that cheap… saying this, you cant even imagine how much he was making.

unless it was like eight figures i cant see it being too hard to imagine

You shouldnt be able to make your money back in a year or less… At the price he sold it for you VERY much can

The ONLY thing that sucks about the business if youve gotta lay out a shitload to make a 10% profit

I’ve been through the whole porcess of college. About ~3 classes from my physics degree. I completely agree that COLLEGE IS BS in todays times. Period. I will finish my rant tomorrow… gotta run. (sxy time)

i have retirement…blue collar american winning machine mutha fucka. but srsly, now a days, you HAVE to diversify and invest in more than one “retirement” fund. i have a few degrees, none of which are 4 yr degrees and neither of them came with loans. if america learned how to work again, then i think ppl would be alot happier and have a bit more self worth.


even if you have your masters, it doesnt gaurantee a good retirement. you will still have to invest and contribute weekly/monthly in this current economy.

slowmarro and i will hook u guys up with the directions to the man pants store

The amount of misspellings in this thread about colledge makes my head hurt.

If you arent sure about what you’d like to do/or you’d like to get a specific skill set, sure COLLEDGE is a good idea. But, a typical 4yr degree isn’t what is used to be. I wish I saved my $$ from school and put it into a business(I’m doing this now).
Business owners with good logic/work ethic will go very far even in todays shit economy. You’ll MOST likely never get rich working for someone else, not saying it’s impossible, but self made millionaires usually work for themselves.

Yeah, look at Howard from Redline :lol

I think you missed the LOGIC part. He was/is a greedy dumbass.

It was sarcasm…go eat a loaf of bread carb boy :hug

lol. I hate Ryan for starting this carb shit. :lol

More hilarious thread on Shift to date.

Yea, you’re obviously far too superior for this discussion. :bowdown


You’re entitled to an opinion, but you come off as someone who feels they are “better” than the rest. You have 8169 and counting posts BTW, on this useless forum…
You still haven’t stated your viewpoint on this issue.
