
Jon looks like such a man grilling with a pair of yellow crocs on right now…


HAHA. Love it. Zing!

Crocs = Gay on guys

Dykes on women…they are quite possible the worst form of footwear ever created.

You should be ashamed of yourself for wearing them and you really need to think twice before you post something in the future.

I honestly am beginning to think you just like the attention.

ok at least mine are black. i think i found a new use for them…makes great dog chew toys as i came home to find a large chunk of one missing and the other had a teeth marks all over it. o well guess i’ll have to find a new pair of slippers or something around the house (i live in one of those houses in which wearing shoes more than 3 feet past the door in unacceptable)

EDIT: just noticed the new title. i like it…maybe i should tell her to start doing that cuz the “not clean pile” on my floor is starting to take over the “clean” pile and im way way too lazy to sort it all out lol.

I wear my crocs out all the time. I’ve even worn them out on chip. I love em

Don’t hate

Didn’t this come up last year?

Bought my 3 year old the camo ones for the summer. They outlast sneakers 3x, that little fucker tears through sneakers.

Wife wants a pair too. I told her if she comes home with a pair for me I’m gonna band saw them in half and post pics lol.


These things are BADASS for wet traction on the boat/ski’s. They are not meant to be for everday use but then again didn’t flipflops used to be gay?

the gay is spreading. stop talking about it

JAck you like the cack and wear crocs even when you sleep and especially in all the clubs don’t lie:mamoru:

I wear my crocs to work…

The most incredible thing about this entire thread isn’t the fact that you wear crocs, it’s the fact that you found a girl who would go out with you.


You talking to Mike? Or Jon?

Sad that we have to specify which croc-wearing male forum member we’re talking about.

:lol: Think croc jokes will ever get old? Because I don’t.

dont make me hack all of your asses with my zero days, because i wont.

I love crocs.