Crosby on greatest athlete list.

Interesting read from MSN…

“With the Olympic Games approaching, The Wall Street Journal set out to answer this parlor-game question: If Earth had to send one man to the Intergalactic Olympics, who should go?”

"The Journal sought to identify the world’s greatest athlete with an approach that, while not completely scientific, took a number of measures into account. A panel of five sports scientists and exercise physiologists was given a list drawn up by the Journal of 79 male athletes. Candidates had to be active in their sport and among the all-time best.

The panel weighed individual performance stats, along with their subjective judgments about the relative difficulty of each sport, to give an overall grade to the athletes. The judges graded athletes on speed, reflexes, stamina, and coordination, as well as power, strength and size. The finalists, they said, exhibited a wide range of athletic skill in highly competitive environments."

Crosbys page:

I’m not so sure about Lebron James getting selected over Micheal Jordan though…:dunno:

Candidates had to be active in their sport

[QUOTE=Jesse W;702011][/QUOTE]

LOL… I guess that makes sense then. Reading comprehension owns me. :hs:


thats sweet!

I don’t get how a tennis player is more “athletic” than a hockey player. :confused:

try playing tennis…

I’m a fan of hockey and not tennis, but it seems like tennis would be pretty tough…

Tennis is pretty tough. Not as physicall demanding as hockey (nowhere near I don’t think) but it’s harder than it looks.

Come on…some of the biggest pussies in my HS played tennis…I would smoke their bitch asses at anything but tennis…hockey>tennis

somebody should email that to wayne gretzky… maybe he wont leave crosby off the olympic roster this year.

i hate Floyd Mayweather with a passion.

hey bics56 and other hockey guys: do hockey players really lack running speed like it says in the description of Crosby?

I don’t think it’s true. Crosby ran a 4.3 40 when he was 14.

I read that too

I agree tennis is hard, but nowhere even close to hockey. I also agree that every sport is hard in it’s own little way, but there are a few that seem harder than the rest.

And why is the ability to run so important in this list?

I call complete BS on the list, it’s fucking stupid. You can’t compare athletes sport to sport, that’s like comparing a vw to a fast car, it’s a different world. :smiley:

i played tennis in hs and yes, it wasn’t the easiest thing ever. however, the physical nature of hockey makes it much more difficult IMO. i’m a hockey fan at heart, so my opinion may be biased.

it’s great that crosby made the list, but everything is opinionated. i agree with 77redneck (i think this may be the first time ever) that it’s way too hard to compare athletes from sport to sport.