cruise to nopi

Nopi Nopi Nopi…

this is sooo effin disorganized…

lets make this better and get a cruise down there…

first who is going for sure?

2nd when does every one plan to leave?

all i know is ive read the nopi thread and its not organized amazing it seems…

there is less then a week till the day so lets try and plan this…

1)whos going
2) what are u registered for
3) what day do you plan to leave and time
4) are u stayin over night or driving back and forth

once we get some of this together we can arrange somthing

im going and ill leave when ever everyone else wants to

im going but i wont be able to make and normal time u will be leaving

As long as my car is done by friday. hopfully the parts come in soon. It should be done.
I will be down for a cruise whenever anyone else is going.

Me and a bunch of other r meeting on weds. night to see what time to leave on saturday.
Me and 11 other r preregistered and we have I think 8-10 more registering there.
Reg is down now, so you’ll have to register there, because they started to pack up to go down here already and they take the computers with them or something.
Some of us r suppossed to go down on friday to help them a little bit.
If anyone is interested with either helping out on friday with us or cruising down with us give me a pm or something.
That goes for u to Andy

i will probably be goin on sunday

Anyone going tomorrow and wouldn’t mind a tagalong? I’m taking the bike down, and no one I know is going…I don’t wanna be lonely, lol.

me and my friends r meeting up at 7am sat and then rolling out at 7:30

What time does this show start?

I might go on Sunday…not sure what time though

ill be there sunday

probably Sunday as well.

i was just wondering what time the show started. all of the other events at carlisle start it says gates open at 1 so i don’t know.

sunday some time for me

Ok well im leaviing around 10 30 am tomorow… gives time to sleep in cuz yaa alot of us like to sleep on a sat…

let me know… PM if u wanna cruise up around 1030 we will meet for sat morning… ill update a list on whos going

I might be down for Sat, I will find out tonight.

@ salvatores?

If anyone needs tickets for Nopi show i have some extras for $15 give me a call at (716)822-3541

are you cruising down with xeon and them? if so i’ll buy one of the tickets.

xeon, i’ll ride down with you cats, just let me know where you’re all meeting up.

Me and my boys r leaving early because were in the show and the gates open to the public at 10am, so i think thats when registration ends, most of us are already registered. If u live in south buffalo i’ll b up till about 12am