cruise to nopi

see you there tmw biches

what time is everyone leaving to go there tommaro?

leaving now

ok im leaving @ 10…should be there by 10:45.

anyone else feel like meeting up in alden?

im leaving in 20 min

if some1 has an extra chair please bring it

im goin to be leaving at 12 if anyopne wants to tag along; im out runnin around for parts right now but ill be back

Im leaving in about 20 minutes.
IM taking the cbr this time.

My buddie called me from there and told me its getting packed, and it looks like
Its gonna be fun. I just want to see that Lexus with the ‘basketball’ size turbo run.
who knows maybe i’ll even drag the moto.

see you guys in a bit…

P.s. If you see a bright yellow/black cbr 929rr, wave at me bitch…lol.

so who went to the show?

I have a couple of pics. I’ll post em later.

we went and trapper 129.57 ! had fun even with some problems.


I wish I could have gone, sounds like there was a lot of cool shit there…

Nice trap too!!

Good times…I got sunburned as fuck though…

i went and i must say first of all FUCK MAPQUEST!!!

it was my first time goin the NYIRP and map quest was tellin me to turn down streets that didnt even exist and i had to turn down streets that were not even mentioned by mapquest. luckily as i was turning around on some road a family pulled up next to me and asked me where some road was and it was the exact road i was lookin for and they were goin to the track too so i just followed them the rest of the way.

anyway i got a few pics but mostly video and of course “team rice” i mean “team twisted” was there in full force but i kinda expected a little more out of the nopi show though