CSCS Beach Burnout Gymkhana media thread

Just wanted to say thanks to Chris, Bob and all of the CSCS crew for running this Grand Bend event very well! It always look forward to this one.

Unfortunately I had limited space on my memory card and only have stuff of me, but hopefully this will get people off their asses and get some footage up.

Congrats to Samson for pulling off 2 great runs (maybe 3 I didn’t find out the time of your last one) to put him in 1st place.
I picked up the 2nd spot (again) and Jesse slid in there in 3rd with a day full of fast runs.

Here are my pics.

concentrating hard on remembering the course

Jesse and I (3rd and 2nd resp.)

video’s to come

Here are a couple of Videos from my camera.

This is my second run. My time was 56.11 seconds iirc.
ps thats Samson(1st place) that stands up at the end on the right side of the screen. I think he may have been a little worried, but he had my best time beat by over 1 second.

in-car vid


ya that was me and i have to admit, i was slighly worried when you put down such a great run!!! Congrats to Theo and Jesse for placing 2nd and 3rd. S1DC definetly dominated yesterday. Great day! Good everyone made it safely home and even tho there was a small accident, i’m sure jon will get back on his feet fast.

good job to everyone else that made it out. everyone improved tremendously throughout the day.

these are my times since some people are curious

1st run- 0.58xx
2nd run- 0.54xx
3rd run- 0.56xx

ps: i’m super tanned now

theres a few videos on youtube hosted by

heres my 1st run @ 0.58xx (my slowest run)

heres the link to the rest of the videos!!!

Thanks for coming out guys, you certainly made the day a good one…

And you managed to turn me black in a matter of hours with tire dust.

Grand Bend is always a fun one, and the weather wasn’t too shabby this time either.

Against thanks to everyone who participated, and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.



I love the “custom camera mount” in the first pic Theo… pure genius.

Gave me a good chuckle when I noticed it.

I would like to thank everyone for coming out on Sunday. The weather held off and the day was great. Big thanks to all the volunteers including Bob and Lucas who ran the gymkhana for you guys.

Also like to congratulate the podium finishers

  1. Samson
  2. Theo Koudus
  3. Jesse Wilks

And finally I’d like to mention that Jesse, Samson and Vlad are currently tied for first for our year end Drifting Championship.

See you guys Aug. 11 @ TMP

Results are posted and the year end championship points have been updated…

awsome day again.

i had a bast

here are some clips to add i will add more after work



good job everybody, looks like yall had one hell of a time, sorry me and the green machine couldnt make it, kant wait for next round, once again, good job everyone and thanks cscs for holding it down!!!

FYI, Tunerzine has some nice photos of the event.