CSCS - First Annual Nissan/Infiniti Meet: June 3, 2007

First Annual Nissan/Infinit Meet – June 3, 2007

Canadian Sport Compact Series (CSCS) is proud to announce that they will be hosting the first annual Nissan/Infiniti meet at our June 3, 2007 event at Toronto Motorsports Park. As of March 27, 2007 event highlights include Drag Racing (Pro and Street Cars), Show & Shine, Time Attack, Drifting, IASCA Sound competition, Vendor Alley, and many more highlights will be announced in the next two months leading up to the event.

All Nissan’s / Infiniti’s will receive reserved parking which can then be split by club / team (example: SON240SX). CSCS will account for the added Nissan’s Infiniti’s by adding many more show classes. If you have any question or concerns feel free to contact us.

Event: CSCS (
Date: June 3, 2007
Location: Toronto Motorsports Park (Cayuga)
Time: 11am – 6pm (tentative)

For More info please visit their website or contact them at 905 209 0000

This information was graciously provided by Chris Pereira, Director of Operations for CSCS.

See you guys there.

this thread will be stickied in a few days once people have had the chance to see it and respond.

Thanks for the post!!!

Sounds sick! Gonna be there for sure.

Awsome news…i cant wait to go on the drift /circut again :smiley:

awsome will be there for sure

w000 track time!

Sick, Im definatly in.

SICK i should have my fresh paint by then :slight_smile: hopefully my motor dosent crap out…

~ Justin

yes…my very stock 240sx should be ready by then…but I’m still gonna check this out!!

you know im down like school computers!

I’m there as will be a few dozen Skylines under the GTRC banner.

So whats going to make this CSCS more nissan then last years …we get to park under a SON banner or some area? that woul be cool…

anything ?

Yes each club is welcome to bring a ezup and some clubs banners (sponsors banners must be dealt with me directly prior to the event).

All toronto area nissan clubs have been invited out.

Too bad … same day as Redline

I am looking for a rep to organize son to come out. Keep track of # of ppl expected, work out booth space needed and so forth…would someone like to step forward?

btw new cscs website is up!!

im in fer sure…

Sounds awesome, will definitely be rocking this.

am so down all be there

Lets get a list going of who in, so that I can properly allocate parking space.

  1. krazykoncepts
  2. Bing
  3. Polar_b16
  4. GTChampion
  5. WillX
  6. Alesserfate
  7. altima_boy
  8. skyline
  9. DXero
  10. ZoneMan54
  11. 2G_Money
  12. Ryjo
  13. Jesse Jericho
  14. Rocco

Add/Delete your names from this list