CT Mustang owners owned.

Bet that will be the last time they run thier mouth to you or try to rip you out of a car, eh kramer? you owe me one son! GOT UM!..Notice how Mr. green Miami shirt wouldnt even look @ me when I screamed on him? hahaha. stupid 16 yr old mustang owners.


Sweet. Cool story BRO

Was epic event.

haha sry red, was more for the ppl who witnessed the event…and haha Caz, they were scared, GETTIN LOUD!

Lollll versa door locks>16 y/o roid rage kid. They even got nervous when my “fat” ass got out of the car :rofl :rofl

There were like 5 people filming the whole thing, I don’t know who any of them were, though.

And my burnout was epic.

Bottom line is that was the most that I’ve EVER seen anyone get riled up and I’m pretty happy that I almost single handedly started a 25 person brawl :lmao

Lastly (and I’ll stop posting PJB/Shady-style), I owe you JACK SHIT :hug


they were trying to rip you out of your car? :rofl

quickkkkkkk summary

random mustang at track does GOOFY ass burnout for like 20 seconds where he is WOT then off then WOT then off then WOT etc etc etc

myself and tdi are going “WHOT WHOT WHOT WHOT” and laughing our asses off at goofball

turns out his boyfriends are right in front of us and give me a dirty look

guy comes around again, does same burnout, we laugh harder and others around us join in

said kid in green miami shirt says “what the fuck do you drive???” to me, i tell him to fuck off, he does

guy comes around AGAIN and like 10 people are hysterically laughing at the burnout, MU kid says nothing until the mustang guy drives by (we are under the tower right next to the burnout box) and he points me out to him, he then revs his engine like 3 times and gets out of the car trying to start shit.

they (posse of 4 16 year olds) are pissed the fuck off and call me fat, call pete retard and some other shit, to which i lifted up my shirt and rubbed my moobs together in a sexy fashion in their general direction, further elevating the hilarity and their anger

they ask if we have anything faster, i hold up my keys (sister’s nissan versa) and say i have a brand new 370z in the parking lot waiting to smack their asses, they flip out and get antsy, run to parking lot

we all follow, they see me getting into the versa and are pissedddddddd, i call the MU kid a pussy or something and he says “i bet that POS can’t do a burnout”… i proceed to do a burnout

i say assorted insults and derogatory comments and was about to just leave until he came up to my door and tried to open it and then punched the window, i got out of the car at the same time caz and rusty approach them and they stop in their tracks

MU kid calls out rusty’s ex GF or something while i’m talking to the owner of the goofy-burnout-mustang, he’s actually a cool kid and just didnt want to be “disrespected” i guess or some dramatic shit like that

rusty and MU guy almost brawl until track people come over and tell us all to leave

and that’s the way the cookie crumbled

well you didnt do shit but bust balls and they were being babies about it…and had no reason to call sam a “fucking bitch”…so i lost it… I just saw Mr. Miami shirt roid rage was the ring leader…I targetted and punked his bitch ass down. Remember the chunky kid? “Why are you yelling?” “Me:SHUT THE FUCK UP” crickets pwned…and yes bizzle, they tried ripping him out the car, I was just waiting for sam to get in the car…and suddenly seamus came running up…“they’re trying to beat kramer up kid”…so i got out my car and started walking over and saw u liked speed away and i was like “wtf is going on dude?” exact kramer quote “they tried ripping me out the car and beating me up, IDK dude” LOLLLLL…bad move for them

lol that MU kid didnt want ANY…he wouldnt even look at me after I said if he says one more word ill beat his face in…he just kept staring at you, as I screamed on him.

+RLrep to rusty jones

i think UMiami kid was the only one who would have actually thrown a punch (everyone else was playing follow the leader) and i’m no eman but i think i could have handled him :smiley:

no benchfighting please

I was waiting for him to punch you through the window. I would have been on him so fast :rofl

Wow gay story Brah

shrug. its krammer bro. he needed a hand…Ur saying u woulda let him get pwnt? and if anything at all…we saved a beautiful Nissan versa from some unneccesary roughnes :rofl

OMG if I saw kramer about to get beat up I would laugh my ass off then proceed to run said person over with my civic

dammit I left too early

However I was seriously thinking the same thing to myself, these fuckin mustang owners do the goofiest burnouts ever! I think I even said something at one point like who the hell taught them how to do burnouts?

lol…they’re 16…@ 16…SMOKE IS FUN! right kb? wait…this isnt facebook…wtf.

i will kill everyone

HTA 3586

srsly, guy was no threat, was a few inches shorter than me and not much more “built” if it all, just had a little less blubber. his only advantage was roid rage :rofl


all in all, n!ggaz had my back and i appreciate that, and i’m sure everyone had a realllll good time watching this unfold minus the 5-10 sketchy seconds when there was a legit possibility for a brawl :lol