curb update

There’s an evil one in Rochacha, in front of harbor freight… I’ll take pictures next time.

Nobody can beat the person who had their car stuck on top of a boulder at Bubble Tea, I think it was…

Oh the memories. lol

that was a fun one. Especially when everyone tried to help move the car and all you heard was metal crunching.

hrm. you know, on looking at that again, would a bit of shrubbery to make it more obvious help keep that from happening? probably.

Theres a nice curb like that, only it’s solid in the center, somewhere in Buffalo in the 190 entrance. 5 years ago I jumped my Jetta over it going 30, paying attention to my passengers and not the road. All I did was bend a BBS wheel slightly, to my amazement. Shit happens.:smash2:

where is this located

Transit/Wehrle…Plaza with Verizon/Quiznos/EB Games

Look at the picture again. What do you do when there are 9 cars backed up waiting to turn out of the parking lot? It creates a difficult angle. Really has nothing to do with paying attention.

Hahha, I’ve driven through there a crapload of times and never have I come close to the curb.

I have gone there about 11T billion times in my life when ITK worked there and regardless of congestion have never once so much as scraped a tire on it. I agree the angle can be bad…but if you cant make the turn…wait until you can catch a break. Screw those people out in traffic…thats an awful place to make a right hander into anyway.

I love this forum. someone get me another sticker.

That’s because you never had to worry about which gear to put the car in because it was already in drive and you could just groove out to your kenny g album.


:tup: to being a cautious driver 11T billion percent of the time :gotme:

ive hit the fuck out of it in my prizm :tup:

Thanks for caring

But for real…its not like that thing is camoflauged and out of sight…it doesnt just pop out of the ground…you know its there…so why complain when you hit it.

Even in my new Subaru I’ve not hit it. I fail to see what gear selection has to do with turning but W/E. I guess if you have a hurt shoulder it can be tricky.

kinda the same deal at the mighty in hamburg

That’s great. So you’ve had to pay attention while you were driving for a good…what, 3 days now?

Lol. At least Jan learned how to drive stick when she was like 18 or so? Aren’t you going on 27?

You just got laser beamed.