curb update

I thought you just said it was not about paying attention to avoid that curb. I guess you two don’t pay attention when you drive. :gotme:

When I was 18 I didn’t have a choice as to what car I had, so go you for your parent’s getting you vehicles that you wanted.


So I wanted a pontiac transport to drive?

I always pay attention when I’m driving and texting and eating some cheerios and putting on my make-up on at the same time.

And getting head from your moms dad.

4+ years of her driving stick and she hits stationary objects, about a month for me and I haven’t hit any stationary objects. :gotme:

Far be it for me to ignore such blatant attention whoring:

That curb is there to keep you and the 2000 other people who can’t drive from clipping the car parked in the spot next to it. There is nothing wrong with that curb. It is there for a reason, it’s your fault you hit it, and you are providing outstanding evidence that it is absolutely necessary for it to be where it is.

Just because you are not alone does not mean that you are not individually resonsible.

I wish I saw the first thread about this. I love how this thread is 2 pages already. And it’s people argueing over who’s a good driver and who’s not.

We’ve all hit things on accident. Get over it. I fucking put my truck in a ditch. Does this mean I’m a bad driver? No. It means accidents happen, and sometimes people aren’t paying attention. I guarantee no one on here pays attention every single second that they’re driving. Unless you are dead to the world. Which I doubt that.

I would like to see this curb in person. It would better explain to me how people could hit it. But I don’t doubt it gets ya. I’ve went over curbs before (like Edie’s Pizza parking lot) and have said “Where the fuck did that come from!?”

ya, but did you blame the ditch for the accident?

here is the original thread

I blame the tree for my accident.

I really really really wanted to. I blame the ditch for tearing up my tire, cracking my rim, and piercing my oil pan.

I’m about to make a thread about it.

It’s bad karma, Dawn…

:word: Hell…I have been with my Grandmother while she was driving and she never hit it either…and her glasses are so thick she can see into the future!

WOw…Jeg actually got me to LOL


Points for JEG… :tup:

reading this makes me ell oh ell. LOL at jans sticker comment

shit, I thought I wasn’t individually responsible. now I have to rethink they way I lived my entire life. and I think I better make sure that when I’m older, I’m still lecturing 23-year-olds about obvious shit on car forums.

Its the unexpected LOLs that really get you.

I eat there almost everyday, and sit right in front of the window to watch peoples faces when they hit it. It’s really funny. One guy actually spilled his coffee all over his car.


That always is a good time to watch that whenever I’m there, makes the trip well worth it.


not this thread again

p.s. hi jan!

people are stupid