curb update

This stuff happens, it is part of owning and driving a car. I try not to post up about the less than smart things I have done in vehicles in the past, but it happens to the best of us and we learn.

Here I learned to double check my ball joint installation:

Here I learned to check all blind spots when backing up:

Here I learned to avoid potholes better:

And here is me getting dirty fixing my own mistakes:

Yes I did some dumb things, but I am not afraid to admit it. I also walked away knowing that I will never let these things happen again. I am also now pretty damn familiar with how an 80 quattro works.

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (3 members and 0 guests) JaysGreenLX, FuzzyFish, Janny



Clearly she’s going to read her own thread.

By the way, JJ, how’d you get those dents out on your pass. door? Did you find a new door and paint it or what? I might be slightly retarded, but I can’t tell in the pics.

is this the curb in question?

edit: oops i didn’t realize i had the verizon still marked … the one more towards the top of the view, next to the road.

No its the one alog wherle facing the Ford dealer.

It’s off the pearl white parts car (AWDrifter’s old ride a long time ago). There really is not much left of it though.

oomg someone find that ms paint pic!

it will explain everything!

This picture has so much potential.

and i monster trucked my blazer over that curb.
and it was when the rock was still there

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto!

1 sec I will post my drunk ms paint creation…

Wow, you caught me on a rather mild night.

Wehrle Drive

when i am sober thats my next victim

With with 100% more technical terms, the latest in MSPaint rendering technology.

In reality the curb should have more of a “D” shape to it, but it doesn’t nor will it for awhile.

LOL@ Here be dragons.

oh, the idiosynchronicity we have here.

Holy shit, I’ve been having a bad couple of days with asthma anyway, and that pic nearly just killed me. :rofl:

all this quizzys makes me want to go to quizznos.