Current Automotive Flops.

And 3 that are still hot.

Add to the list Dodge Nitro :stupid truck, can’t see a damn thing out of it:

The Nitro is certainly working its way onto the list.

Hot, then not.

they are not flops…a flop is something that doesnt sell from the get-go

redneck parade :rofl:

a flash in the pan, if you will

i can agree with that list

mustang FTW

I heard a 1977 pickup truck with redneck trim was a close number 11 on that list.


I heard ricer cavaliers with cyro were much too gay to even make the gay list.

and I took the trim off. :smiley:

The rust made it fall off, dont lie

Thr rust is holding it together

and I don’t like to refer to it as rust, it’s weight reduction :smiley:

you roll on retreads too :rofl: ?

These vehicles sold well initially. In retrospect, the plan for their production should have been 3 year runs, since that’s about what they lasted…maybe the designers will take that into account the next time they decide to go with something off the wall that will fad-out.

The thing is, when these car companies go retro, they kind of screw themselves. I love the new mustang, but where do you take it from here??Yeah, they can make little changes to it every year for the next couple years, but when its time to redesign from the ground up, where do you go with it??

imo the pontiac solstice is bad ass. the bug has outlived it’s dhelgf life. brought out in 98, they still offer it as a convertible in 07… the 911 keeps selling because it is a bad ass car. the mini, i dont understand how people think it is “small”. compare it to other cars. the original mini is small. the new mini is not. hummers and retro t bird are just gay. the pt was cool as a panel wagon retro, but thats about it. the new mustang is pretty bad ass, id rock one.

Woah, if something flops that means it started out well. If something flip-flops that means it had to be right side up in the first place to flop over. Unlike the shoe which was name for the sound they make when walking.:wtcslap:

Chrysler PT Cruiser
At first charm, the PT appealed to the latent street-rodder and recalled woody beach-wagon fables. Early to the then-new retro market, the PT Cruiser was more suggestive than definitive, and thus imprinted on many a creative mind. But with familiarity, the PT was exposed as cute above all else, and cute has a limited shelf life.

Yes bc Chevy didnt come out with a clone about 4 years too late.

I agree w/ all of those except for the Solstice and the xB. You still see a lot of soltice’s around and if I could afford one with the cars I already have, I would definitely get the GXP. And for the xB, they still seem to be selling well and I think the new redesign is much better looking and has a much larger engine than before.

:rofl: at the mini being perma-hot

Kind of interesting list. I bought a PT in 2000. If you look past the BS, and look at the car for what it really is, a small and versatile economy car, it makes more sense. A lot of people tried to make it into something it really wasn’t, I.E. a little hot rod.(although the turbos with stage one kits ran petty good). My 01 got 24-28MPG, could haul an amazing amount of shit for how small it was(i once hauled a new clothes dryer home from sears in it, in the box, and with the hatch closed), and it was reliable. I never had any problems in the 5+ years i owned it. Being a 5 speed helped it from being a total dog. I would buy another one, and prolly will someday since their resale is in the toilet.

I have a xB now, and i have to agree, they missed their target audience. They were after the 18-30 age group, and i am 50. I actually bought it for my wife, but i appreciate the interior room, utility, and 35+ mpg the thing gets. I like the unusual styling, but like the PT it is polarizing.

The H2 has always been a joke.

I like the mini, i just think it is overpriced. Ditto the T-Bird

The Solstice is still a head turner, and i will own one someday.