Current Automotive Flops.

ya, i guess i was alittle surprised about the solstice. so noone likes them or what? i think they are cool.

if you’re a chick, the solstice is awesome. :smiley:

What about the GXP model. Those are pretty nice IMO. Did you watch “The Setup” on Speed? They used these for all of their racing events and they looked pretty quick.

well im not sayin its anything id be rushing out to buy, but its no more feminen than an s2000, i wouldnt think. and lik said about, the gxp probly runs good.

miata, solstice, z3/z4, s2000, *.small convertible are all chick cars. :smiley:

Sad to say, but the s2000 is the “manliest” of this type of car.

it could be the quickest car in the world, it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a chick car.

i agree to an extent…i wouldnt own any of those cars (not that they are bad, just i dont like roadster-type cars), but its a def plus when they perform pretty respectable, as the gxp probably does.

So if it doesn’t have a top does that make it a chick car?

i think it is a shame what they did to the T-bird, Ford killed it off for good by designing it the way they did. I was hoping after they stopped production in 1997, that they would bring it back, at least keeping somewhat to the same style as the MN12 design with a new Super Coupe model. It was supposed to be out in 1998, redesigned, and there were 2 SVT Thunderbirds built for promotion, with a supercharged DOHC 4.6 in them. Then they stopped production and crushed one of the SVT models. So there is one 1998 Thunderbird out there somewhere. Id love to have that one. But the new thunderbird just sucked. I drove one, and it had no balls whatsoever. It was a yuppy car built for people in their mid to late 40’s

The newest generation thunderbirds are the ugliest cars I have ever seen. Not even in the same market as the old thunderbirds which were actually pretty cool cars. Ford really messed up there.

as much as i dont even wanna start the arguement or bring it up, if it already hadnt been dropped, youd have to put the GTO in for a flop too.

The Thunderbird was Fords opportunity to make a fast 2 seater, along the lines of a Solstice or S2000 in my eyes, but they made it a big ol’ luxury cruiser with 250 HP, and a “last stand” in it’s final years of production bumping it to 280 HP. I mean, they originally meant for luxury cruisers, but they could have done something with it. I’ll have to dig up the pic of the Saleen Thunderbird that never came to be.

Edit: The ONLY new T-Bird I would drive.

you might as well add the new camaro to the list now. :D:D:D:D:D

i wouldnt…


Same here. Just as ugly as the original.

It’s ugly, but an improvement over stock IMO.

After looking at the article again, I would see the Scion xA as more of a flop than the xB

ill say it again…the article is about cars that sould fairly well, then leveled off and stopped selling, not about cars that never sold…the article is not about flops

I’d say a car that never sold is more of a failure.

My take on a flop is something that sold well, then sales dropped off as time passed.

This is the Thunderbird I would love to own:
edit: more pics

You could always find a cobra 4.6 (or even a 5.0 maybe) and drop it into your current T-Bird.