Firebirds gone!

New owner picked it up today with a trailer…boy was that fun trying to get it on there with all the ice…

Time for a STi…or Drews(Cougarspeeds) car :slight_smile:


:tup: to buying drews car. foook the STi the Sats is a good enough DD.

u wont be able to take it once spring hits so buy drews car now!

why did you sell it

^^^ cause everyone was beating him

…tempted to call :bsflag: on this.

… did u tell the buyer what it really ran?


so thats why you were so late to work today

the almighty transmarobird gone.

so much history
so much drama
so many hoodrides


:word: to drews car

I must have been the last straw!! LMAO!
Justin WTF?!

I remember when he 1st bought that car. Wow that was a long time ago. I remember the video he made when he first bought it, it was a video of it starting up in the morning. I remember they way it sounded, it put any Saturn to shame.

im with choda on this one

That car was lame anyways…:gotme:.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(Rude comment trying to cover my sadness)

Wow… so what’s next?

he told me earlier all long he felt like he really belonged behind the wheel of a sunfire


Well it was fun. :meh:

why would you buy drew’s car?

Well it already has a 12bolt and it runs mid 10s at 130+ ? has bogarts and a bunch of other shit…

You should buy my civic.