I’m asking in here so shifts normall b/s can kind of stay out . I need a good lawyer as I won’t let my kids go with her . I don’t wanna get into it on why I need one at this point .
Unfortunately my friend, these types are not cheap. Let me ask around.
I don’t care , my kids are all I really have . No price tagged is to high
I dont know any actual divorce lawyers but we use Jeane Heran for all of our real estate and traffic stuff so you can try her.
Buddy at my work went through a fuckin crazy ass divorce and came out on top. I’ll ask him who his lawyer was
uuuugh sorry to hear. pm Trace and ask her who her friends lawyer is. Good luck homie.
My girlfriend works @ tully rinckey there are 2 different women that can help you.
Barb King $250 consultation
theresa Wells $125 consultation.
talk to Kornacki…
My attorney is a bad ass…Kimberly Fischer (Think her last name changed as she got married since I have used her services) but she is good.
Let her know that Craig Couture sent you. She helped my buddy with his family issues. You can always call me and I can give you more info on her if you want…I think you have my cell number.