custom RC car dyno

One of the NC dyno gurus was having issues with catastrophic tire failures on one of his RC cars. Apparently, the car weighs around 20 lbs. This was his solution…


Yeah, we can dyno that.





And here’s the video


Neat, he must be the only one that bought that Traxxas :lol

They dyno does look pretty legit though.

what a nerd

what a massive waste of time/money

Why? That’s his hobby, and this is a tool to further that hobby.

He built it for a specific purpose, to try to solve a problem he was having. How is this a waste when it is furthering his hobby? One could say a dump bed on a lifted half ton truck is a tremendous waste of time and money and that would probably be a more accurate statement…

Tap dat talk

He built a dyno for a few hundred, and probably a few hundred hours of time formt he looks of it…to help save tire that cost $5? It’s neat, just seems like a giant waste to me

edit: truck has 3/4 ton leafs fwiw, and I didn’t waste the time or money on that project

he is lucky if it only cost him a few hundred dollers to build guys who race rc oval have been building chassis dynos that cost a few thousand crazy but its there money so its there project

Very interesting way to use some Avid BB-7’s. props to the builder that’s cool as hell.

What fun is having a car that can go that fast, if it can’t do so without coming apart? It’s not about the cost of the tire, it’s about figuring out what needs to be done to get the thing to stay together at speed. Sure, he could slow the car down, but what’s the fun in that? Do we slow our “full scale” cars down, or do we test and upgrade parts so that they will hold up to the stresses we need them to withstand at full tilt…?

I could really give 2 shits either way, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here FYI…

What needs to be done, is a AWD conversion. Coming from someone that deals in RC’s cars all the time. I rarely see RWD RC’s not losing control at that speed. I have several cars that will do well over 100mph and are AWD that dont even tweak at high speeds. I understand he has more of a drag car, but its the wrong design for that kind of use.

he didn’t say anything about losing control, the tires explode

From the clips at the end of the video, its more of a downforce issue. If he has tire issues. Its simple to buy a different set of tires for $20. Honestly this seems more of a excuse to build the dyno.

the only clips I saw in the video were stationary on the dyno, where aero is not a factor

I suggest watching the video til the end then. I’ll even save you the effort and just skip to 3:13 in the video.