custom stainless turbo lines

I’m not sure if have the know-how to make these myself, but what shops would have the necessary parts?.. I wanna check out what I’m dealing with.

Also, if anyone has had custom lines made, please lemme know where and how much.


What kind of lines are you looking at to be made?

I oversized the oil feed on my stock SR block, so that line for sure… I’m considering doing the others aswell.

I got my steel braided lines from cisco. 3.5ft of feed in -4an was 45 bucks.


Taka turbo lines -

tougefactory sucks balls.

and he needs custom ones. not pre made


I just told him where to get this done in Toronto. “Cisco”

I know where Cisco is… I’ll go check it out.
I’ve never messed around with fittings and braided lines before, so I’m not sure how difficult it is to do.

The Taka lines are pretty pricey, and I don’t really need all of them… besides, I’m most likely gonna drill and tap a larger SAE hole. Metric fittings are tough to find.

Where are you taping a large hole? If you tap make it a 1/8 NPT or BSPT so you can match a fitting to it to mate to your braided lines.

Explain to us exactly what it is you are trying to do. I would make giving advice alot easier.


Don’t mess around with any online stores in the states.

All they do is resell you the same lines you can get locally for much cheaper. “Shops” like Touge Factory do not make, cut, and crimp onsite.

There is nothing special about braided stainless lines. Any industrial supply store that deals primerly in hoses will stock everything you need.

Here in London we have stores such as Hose-Tech and Hose Headquarters, both of which cut and crimp stainless hose on site. I’m sure there are similar stores near you.

Don’t bother with metric. Stick to NPT and JIC, as well as BSPT for the oil pressure sender.

Pete, what’s the price per foot for an SS line? Let’s say a 3/8" to 1/2" hose.

I was quoted $14/foot at a shop (didn’t specify diameter of hose).

Taka lines save you a lot of time and head aches.

Making lines for sr isn’t fun.

What time and head aches?

You measure the length of hose you need.
You measure the fittings you need (NPT, JIC, barb, etc.)
You go to the shop and say, "I need a stainless braided hose X feet X inches long, with X fittings on either end.


Took me all of 10 minutes to scope out my braided water and oil lines. And I work slow.

Not only is it cheaper, but it is much faster as they will cut and crimp any line to your spec on the spot.

Price per foot heavily depends on the size of the hose and the type of fittings you need. (i.e. adaptor fittings are much more expensive).

^^^^ Its true, pete does work slow.

What time and head aches?

You measure the length of hose you need.
You measure the fittings you need (NPT, JIC, barb, etc.)
You go to the shop and say, "I need a stainless braided hose X feet X inches long, with X fittings on either end.


Took me all of 10 minutes to scope out my braided water and oil lines. And I work slow.

Not only is it cheaper, but it is much faster as they will cut and crimp any line to your spec on the spot.

Price per foot heavily depends on the size of the hose and the type of fittings you need. (i.e. adaptor fittings are much more expensive).[/quote]

Because finding metric fittings isn’t fun, or making the oil feed line, and if the motor is already in the car…even less fun.

As I mentioned above, most hose shops can get any fitting needed. If they do not have it in stock, they can order it within 3-4 business days.

Make the oil line? What is there to make? You take a peice of hose that mimicks the flexability radius of the braided stainless line and run it through the engine bay in the fashion you like, then measure length.

Let the shop do all the crimping for you. That’s all there is to it.

Are you sure they are metric fittings?

I have a T3 from a Z31, manufactured by Garret, and it has imperial threads. 1/8" NPT for the oil feed and 3/8" NPT for the water feed.

sr lines arn’t that simple.

the water ones are all 14mm with 1.5mm pitch.
the oil feed on the block is a 12mm with 1.25mm pitch, and then to make it fun they make the oil feed on the turbo imperial.

aaand the manifold makes it tighter than a mother fu.cker to get to the oil feed on the turbo.

it’s not the same as your single cam.