Hydraulic Shop

anyone know’s one? in scarborough maybe?

I broke an oil line for the turbo and I need someone to make one for me



anyone? does anyone nkow where I can get someone to fab up an oil line to the turbo?

return line or inlet line?

it’s the inlet line. it was metal and the bolt to the engein was seized

soo need another one :frowning:

the return line is rubber

invest in a stainless steel line… i can’t remember the size of the fitting on the turbo, but i know that the oil feed on the block is 12x1.25mm. do some research… there’s lots of info out there on this subject. Taka lines are a popular choice, but there are lots of options. i believe Sysco in Mississauga has made custom lines for people on this forum.

any aeroquip can make one up for you

there is one in brampton

did some research, I bascially have al lthe part numbers for every peice

bascially I need to find a place to do it

btw… is the store called aeroequip? or is it a distributor?
can you give me addy for store?


There is a place in markham on steelcase road that can do it. They did my powersteering lines…

I forget what it’s called though :frowning: it’s west of woodbine down steelcase before john on the west side