im not holding anyones hand unless it goes girl-boy-girl-boy
So far I think I’m the only girl…
nah steve and I will have our CP girlfriends there
Mine prolly won’t be going. She starts highschool in September.
highschool = college :lol
haha I give you two a month before shes fucking some other dude.
where is she going. If you say plattsburgh i give it 3 days
Brockport, were going to break it off. Probably less than a month is my guess. She’s a cool chick, but I have to do it.
she was getting old anyway. There a whole new season of fresh newbile 18 year olds on your horizon
Look who’s talking…
i might go down.
I think I’m done with young girls, their fun but I liked the cougars better.
cougars are too smart. You cant manipualte them like you can they youngins. Cougars know what they want and exactly how to get it.
I like smart girls, but I know what you mean. I might have to pick up an Asian girl for this event haha
This thread offends the shit out of me. I’m down for going to d1, gotta rep for mah boi chelsea.
awesome so D1 should kickass this yr. my birthday is thurs the 3rd so i hope to be good enough to drive by sat.
I will go if this is there
Oh look the only girl on this thread is that commented is a Dubber :number1
Are you saying that as a good thing?
Or saying I don’t belong in this thread 'cause I can’t drift? :lol
youch ding ding ding