Drifter Meeting

ok so

as most of you know i have been running a few track days and i want to hear from YOU!!!

in the 09 season there will be less track days than ever. kendrick will be far to busy with the DMCC schedual to run drift ops events

so myself has to step it up

with the help of all of u guys, i want 09’ to be sick

for me to make this happen. i need to know how many people are committed to come to events

my goal this season is to have a track day every month.

discuss … give me input

im down, i want in for free :wink:

but seriously. im in man. no suggestions at the moment but im sure when im 100% awake ill have something.

get dunnville back.

What track(s) are you planning on holding your track days at?


im down with kwartha, oval is sick

as of now i have a few in mind, but i will be talking to the track owners to see if they would like to get involved with the drifting scene

also i am looking for helpers to make the track day fun smoother

its very tough doing this by myself

ive never been to the track but i have a few questions , can you just go in on any given day and pay your fee , get your car inspected then drive? and whats the closest track shannonville , dunnville ?

great idea peter, i am 100% down for this i will help you in whatever way i can. If you need me for anyhting i will do my best to help the cause.



I can speak on behalf of S1DC that we are 100% committed to the 09 season hands down.

I’m down for at least half. I don’t feel like blowing another engine in the winter because I beat the shit out of it at the track lol however I will come to all of them and I will help you out Peter, let me know!

Yup, you know we’re down Peter.

i will help out when needed

I will be down to reach, i 'll help if i can be some assistance also.

Well I will be there either as media or a driver. Do it up Peter I hope to drive a bit depends on my job for the summer

im down for a couple this year i know some ppl at kawartha ill see if we can get dfirt free weekends back but the guys that use to host it say`s we need to get more people there

Unfortunately it will never happen unless 30+ people starting coming, on a regular routine. There was a whole reason the owner let Dave organize it for free.

But at the same time, even a small charge wouldn’t be bad, I mean if it was for free at one point, I’m sure, say, $30 or $40 wouldn’t be much to ask for…maybe more.

I would love to say lets try oval tracks but many beginners like myself don’t feel like attacking an oval right away.

Kawartha has a huge parking lot to screw around in.