Daily Planet has a thing on 240's drifting tonight

Pretty sure I saw jesse’s car in the short clip/advert. ANd it also looked like it was at that parking lot in his video awhile ago?

what is daily planet?

hahaha Discovery Canada, cool show, what time is that on tonight

It’s either 7 or 8pm.

i sence bing is up to his old tricks again…

Someone should remind Jesse, unless he’s too busy signing autographs.

its on at 7 and 11pm, just saw it again… hah i get bored in between classes and there is nothing on daytime tv, discovery channel is decently entertaining

My psychic senses are saying that it will be the first story on Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet right after there headlines. For those who want to see it best check discovery channel right at 7. It should be a 6 minute piece or so.

No I do not work for discovery if thats what you think :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks 240_Foz for the heads up by the way… i would have missed it.

hmmm, wow this i dont know about…

lets hope it is me… TIME TO SUE BITCHES $$$$$

not me boys, all that was filmed at a cannonball event in bc.

next time!

camouflaged Cefiro and a VIP Laurel on track tho - pretty neat.

yay for rain drifting!


most the cars have well over 500hp?

ya whats up with the rain? that was gay.

I thought I saw a quick shot of Sasha’s car in the commercial…?

…now that I think of it, I think it had a different spoiler.

Haha I recoded the last half of that show…

Best comment ever “Most of these guys don’t have girlfriends”

haha I think it was actually quite a crappy spot. but my GF did like that comment