DAM IT Optima Red Top Discharged to 5 volts...

So I come back from my 2 month vacation expecting my car to work. Nope.

Check the battery its discharged to 5 volts. Dead as a doornail.

Charging Now. Hopefully It wont take too long im hungry and I gots no food in the house.

I dont beleive its normal for a battery to discharge this much over 2 months but I could be wrong.

The subaru security system is known to suck down alot of power, I have DEFI gauges and an OBD scanner installed.

I guess I should disconnect the terminal next time… ARGHH!!!

yes its very commen

dont red tops not take a charge?

Well it just took one lol

how is it?

everything ok now? i hope ur alternator is in good condition…

Everything is fine. Popped the batt in and it started right up. Took a short cruise this morning.

I guess sitting unused for 2 months was too much for even the mightiest of batteries.


ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm suck my dick? I read that once you deplete a redtop it will never hold a full charge again. something about how its made… KTHXBYE.

I’m more interested in the 2 month vacation!?!?! I want one of those.

optimas have to be trickle charged …atleast the yellow deep cylce ones do…put a trickle charge on it over nite and it should charge fine

yes the do, deep cell batteries actually use some of the medium the diodes are suspended in everytime the battery is discharged. So you can never actually fully recharge a deep cell battery, its states it on the optima website.

With the alternator it does not use as much of the medium since there is a trickle charge to the battery while you car is running off the alternator, vs a drain on the battery that will just kill the medium. I did this with two red tops. Just take it back and get a free replacement, dont even bother trying to recharge it.

Hahaha… It makes it any better I wont tell you in too much detail that I went to the carribean the first week and here are some of the pix.




Then I went to Vermont… and did some of this…


Where I found some wild cherry balls…