I bought a optima yellow top battery about a year ago and now its starting to not hold a charge unfort. my warrenty is up by a acouple months. all my other friends have the same battery for the past 4 years and never had problems… any suggestions?
Are you sure it’s the battery?
Check your charging system and load test the battery if you can. You can probably prorate it if it’s only out of warranty by a few months.
If you left the battery discharged for any extended period of time the plates are sulfated and it is garbage.
Non recoverable and non fixable. Batteries need to stay charged at all times.
yea I checked the charging system they come out 90% I charge the battery and ill see how long that will go. I checked it with our battery checker and it said it had no life
optomas have a 5 year warranty… are you sure yours has expired… its prorated after year # 2 usually
I was told by the place I bought it from (autozone) that it only had a 1 year waranty
Yellow tops have a one year warranty plus proration
I had two red tops develop shorts relatively quickly. I’d have them test the battery to find out if its the battery or your charging system.
yea I tested my chargind system and came out 90% the test said that my battery had no life tho
Optima have been crap since Johnson Controls bought them out… i have an Exide Orbital 6 pack myself that has been serving me well for the past few years. take it back to an interstate dealer, and the guy will scan the barcode and evaluate it’s warranty status.