damn i cant sleep

i cant fall asleep for shit today so im up doing my Computer Science Project ugh its so confusing

You can write a poem for me instead :slight_smile: Stupid hw

yea well u whern’t up at 5:30 this moring so count your blessings

at this rate i will


Computer Science is easy.

Yeah I went out with Jack, Choda, and some other peeps for Dyngus day last night. I got home at 4:30am, and I had to be up at 6 for school so I didnt even go to bed. I’m exhasted and hung over but :tup: it was worth it.

Oh yeah, Violator, good seein ya man :tup:


i cant fall asleep for shit today so im up doing my Computer Science Project ugh its so confusing


benadryl FTW


i cant fall asleep for shit today so im up doing my Computer Science Project ugh its so confusing


details of the project?


details of the project?


graphs/networking; i understand what to do its just putting it into code that i suck at

lol 12 mins after you posted… you fell asleep?

no i didnt fall asleep till 2:30 miss smarty pants


yea well u whern’t up at 5:30 this moring so count your blessings


haha sucks to be you