just spent almost 20 hours straight, on a single project

I thinks thats the longest consecutive amount of school work I’ve ever done.

I was in 1019 Furnas, from 10pm last night, until about 6pm today. I’m not kidding when I say straight, I didn’t even go online. I worked on my project the entire time only stopping to piss.

fuck i’m such a procrastinator.

anyone else got a longer run?

WOW man good job man. I did 6 hours today(while fucking off online).

lol, mae 377 project? this time last year was the worst of my life, major projects and exams in every class over a 5 day timeframe


lol, mae 377 project? this time last year was the worst of my life, major projects and exams in every class over a 5 day timeframe


LOL, yes actually. I had to design something to spread fertilizer on a push mower as the person mowed the lawn. Fuckin Pro-E is the pickiest program I’ve ever used besides C++.


LOL, yes actually. I had to design something to spread fertilizer on a push mower as the person mowed the lawn. Fuckin Pro-E is the pickiest program I’ve ever used besides C++.


:ohnoes:that sounds awful…ugh. kudos for having that much patience with a computer.


:ohnoes:that sounds awful…ugh. kudos for having that much patience with a computer.


hail to Adderall.

i have in the past asked the mods here to ban me when i needed to get work done. thats pretty sad. lol

20hrs is no joke brotha :tup:

yup im here right now working on it I have like over 60hrs into this damn thing :frowning:


yup im here right now working on it I have like over 60hrs into this damn thing :frowning:


i’m guessing you’re in DiPirros class then? Mine was due today. Which assignment did you get?

Im in dicorso’s but mine is due sat. I got the manully operated gate that the driver doesnt need to leave the vehicle.

last thurs night i was in the furnas lab from 7pm to 2 am…i thought that was bad…

Shit, at RIT we call that a normal Saturday night. :lol:

yeah I was here last night from 6:30pm to 1:30am and I got here today and im not leaving until its done

I remember telling myself I was gonna start it way early and take my time, yada yada yada.

Fuck was that a dream. One of these days I’ll learn my lesson and start getting shit done early.

Probably not


LOL, yes actually. I had to design something to spread fertilizer on a push mower as the person mowed the lawn. Fuckin Pro-E is the pickiest program I’ve ever used besides C++.


so you designed this?


Shit, at RIT we call that a normal Saturday night. :lol:


I was wondering what was out of the ordinary here. 516 lab doubled my time on campus some weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

Word. I can’t count the hours I spent on Genetic Engineering lab work. 8hrs a week scheduled class time, plus you never finished labs on time and always had to come in for extra stuff. God forbid something went wrong, then you’d get to come in for 4-8hrs on a weekend.


so you designed this?


no I used a broadcast spreader to spread fertilizer to the side of the mower, so the person wouldn’t have to walk through it.

Meh. I have done 40-50hrs

Architecture pwns me


I was in 1019 Furnas, from 10pm last night, until about 6pm today. I’m not kidding when I say straight, I didn’t even go online. I worked on my project the entire time only stopping to piss.


:lol: An overnighter in 1019 Furnas is just a right of passage for MechE’s. Lemme guess: MAE377 final project?