damn sexy


wow that is a beautiful car

I love novas

that is chevelle

sorry i am sleepy



isnt an ls7 like $13000 just for an eng?

Probably close to $200k in that car.


Wouldn’t it be great to start a project like that with a car like that, though…one owner 15,000 miles.

and to think the GM heads say ford motors are expensive. :D:D:D

i bet a lot of chevelle owners are pissed at that

there are 85 million chevelle’s or chevelle clones out there, 1 more modified one isn’t going to hurt anything.

That is FUGLY :puke:


the wheels are weak

Wheels suck. Not my favorite bodystyle either. Should have done 68+ IMO.

Nice running gear, though.

the older years like this one are 11ty billion times better than the '70 look.

It’s pretty, even though I don’t generally go for that body style. ONe question though. Why have that much power, but leave the seat with the same holding power of a slip-n-slide? Is it strictly for nosalgia purposes. It looks like if you turned even a little bit you’d slide right out of the window, lol.

you’re holding onto the steering wheel aren’t you?

fucking kids these days are sissies, can’t even go around a corner without a 5 point harness and a seat that wraps completely around you.

bench seat with lap belt FTMFW
