:eek2: :eek2: :eek3:
car def is bad ass
thats a bad fucking ride right there.
that is awesome
I would have sex with it 4 times over. and once again
…yes it is. ( greater than my life, that is)
thats sex on 4 wheels :wackit:
oh mah god
yippie, another chevelle. I see 100 of them every car show in the summer, no biggie.
It is nice and clean though, I wonder what kind of wax they used.
That is a nice ride.
nothing special till you see under the hood
thats the cool part tho…lol
yup, better than my life alright
true story
I didn’t expect to see that hiding under the hood.
anyone say how many ci?
very nice - the wheels!
i’m pretty sure its a ls1