
Well I awoke this morning and found the tires on my car all slashed. I’m happy. :grrr

Ouch!!..where do you live, cause if its close to my house im parking inside tonight!

Damn that sucks man… Screw anyone’s girlfriend lately?

LOL, not recently, like within the last 7 years. I am trailer park trash so you guys don’t need to worry.
Will 225/50/17’s fit? cause they have a used set of falken’s for 600 bones

You don’t have insurance? If so why not claim it. I guess if you have a huge deductible, that sux. But I personally only have a 50 dollar deductible

For a no fault claim your deductible is usually only half of what it normaly is.

I do have full insurance coverage. The shibby part is that nobody in this bassackwards town carries tires in 215/45/17’s. Won’t my insurance go up if I claim tires? I have a 500.00 deductable.

Death to the kid who slashed my tires. I am gonna offer a 50.00 reward to find out who did this. Then I’m gonna tie the bastard to the train tracks for awhile. That outta scare him straight. The police said if there was no witnesses there was nothing they could do.

If i remember corectly you live in Rockey Mt. house? I blew a tire on my old spec last year and they were able to get me a tire.

Oh, well I called all the tire shops and nobody has any. Canadian tire here has a set but I don’t know the quality or brand name Ultra HPR GT. 158.00 a piece.

If it’s a vandalism claim it shouldn’t go up unless your insurance company is a bunch of rip offs.

So I bought some cheaper all season tires to get through winter and now my insurance company says they’ll pay for the tires I bought and not the ones that were slashed. WTF? There’s a special place in hell for insurance brokers next to tire slashers.