Dave Brown>

I get out of work at 10PM that night, lets do Flubbs and see how many of us can get stabbed, threatened, or thrown down the front stairs :rofl



Honestly I’ll go to Flubbs if you guys really want to, but the last couple times I’ve tried to go there it’s been DEAD as a doornail (esp this time of year with no college kids), and since it’s in the middle of no where, you’re just kinda ‘stuck’ there…

Good point.
When ever I drive by its been dead except for last Saturday night it was semi-active. Half of the other parking lot was full along with the front by the stairs.

I actually dont even know what flubbs is I just wanna see people stab, threatened, or throw us the front stairs lol

It’s right outside of Whitehall, NY. I forsee it sucking and everyone wanting to leave, but if it’s where everyone wants to go, I’m game.

Whitehall?? WTF is up there expet for a prison? lol

Exactly, it’s literally one of the ‘scumbaggiest’ towns in the state


New spot.
Vote 1.

i graduated at 5’11 145lbs haha.

oh shitt lol, nvm haha

Hmmmm I know a Dave brown. He is a client at my job

…whats your job? lol

Hmmmm. Do you have blonde hair by any chance?

nah hes a short dark hair dude.

and I dont think he’d be posting on here if he was there

yeah, not me bro, sorry lol

That’s a good thing

LOL @ Client