Dave Brown>

Sat, Aug 13th…Ticonderoga Shift night out? You guys tell me, I’m just as up for meeting everyone 1/2way in LG…

I’m down as long as I have a place to stay

I’ve got room for 1-2 people in Ti, and if we do LG, I’ll get a room, but I’m not packing it full, but a few could stay in it for sure. Regardless, a room here or in LG would be mad cheap split between several people.

I’ll bring a sleeping bag and crash on the floor. I’ll be inebriated enough to not give a fuck lol.

HA! You guys figure it out what you what to do…honestly I don’t expect everyone to drive up here to go out in this little ass town, but I promise it’d be a blast, LG would be as well

holy gay thread. This is some sword fight shit.

I can fit 5 plus 1 in the trunk of my car lol

That white kid in the video got his ASS whooped. Or the guy that gets bounced off the pavement twice later on in that Spike segment.


All we did is almost get in fights too when we went up last year for the bar party… Singh was all up on this girl and her man was mad… and it seemed everywhere we went was a potential battle…and some rough mouthed cute young chicks.

I dont know how my mom would feel about letting strangers in her camper but we got a 3 bed sleeper on our property. I’ll talk to her about it…

No offense lol

I would have been more then happy to just bitch slap the big ass fool who got in my face but I didnt wanna embaress Travis since its his home town and all. I def dont like starting trouble but I have no problem finishing it or at least attempting to.

When the rest of shift goes up I have a feeling some insane shits gonna go down lolol

Yeah man, Dave is good shit. He asked me to come check out a box truck for him so he didnt buy a turd… even offered me cash monies after i swung over and looked at it with him. I denied the offer.

He is a damn cool dude.

thanks bro and I still apprechiate you coming to help me out… When we all go to TI togeather I got your first few drinks!

Daves a good dude. but man, those pics you have on your facebook page keep me rolling haha. esp the ones when you were younger looking all hard and shit hahahaha. come on, really? :slight_smile:

Everytime Singh drinks 1 beer he is out of hand and requires supervision.



I had little man complex bro lol, youve never had to deal with it u big motherfucker u

sure thing bro! I gotta get out more! lol

Roll ten deep and everyone should pair off like they are homofriends who just all got married or something. That should def raise some eyebrows and be good for entertainment.

That one time did suck (I think it was the night I pissed in the neighbors mailbox?), but you’re bound to have a shitty night out now and then.
