David Buschur's 9 secon street car Pump Gas

Speaking of saftey equipment … I thought of the same thing … “wow thats a lot of 9 second passes without anything but a helmet” …

Another saftey equipment save in our world …

The RS model evo VIII’s were basically the race version of the car as they did not come with an air conditioning system, power windows, locks and mirrors, an audio system, and map lamps. Also deleted was the Anti-lock braking system which came standard in other models. So Buschur actually added weight with the DVD/Nav set-up.

Looks to be a private daytime track rental.

Yes, he also still posts on here.

This was at norwalk and a private rental.

Yes Dave would be the first to tell you that he sucks at drag racing , so yes he does have 2 different people pilot the car. one of which is his welder at the shop the other I believe is a friend of his.

Regardless , the car is quick I think .

Dave is a Dickhead but he just has his stand on things and people dont like it , he still can build a mean ass 4G63.

The car is how it comes from factory with a few things here and there that had been replaced by lighter weight parts. I do believe this car still tips the scales at 2900+

I think that model is sort of cheating for a street car then.
dont get me wrong even though i dislike buschur I still listen to what he has to say/does. I just dont like how abandoned certain cars just to move to where the “cash” is.

Buschur and his lover big gay Al at Dynoflash are fucknuts.

looks like a street car to me :dunno:

I just read some of the horror stories brought about by david buschur on NABR. Quite honestly they are a bit scarey.

ohwell. leave it off pittspeed. we don’t care.
I stumbled upon that bickering of magnus and was not even worth posting back then or now.

well if its a street car drive it on the road… if its driven onthe road its a street car.

we all know we can get anything past an inspection if we really try. that myfriends is a street car that is fuckin fast.

Im still on here, also still have the Talon. Buschurs car gets driven back and forth to his shop everyday, still a full interior street car.

Correct, except the RS model evo VIII’s DO come with A/C.

Who cares I yanked my AC as I never used it anyway , put it on the scale and I think it adds a whole whopping 30lbs.

I yanked mine in favor of freeing up space for any given setup that I may end up running . So is my Evo no longer going to be a street car???

All the fellow 4G63 love , thought some of the other 4G63 owners would appreciate this

I don’t have a/c in my car either…But the RS’s do come with it.

Its not that we dont have love. Its just more people than not have been screwed by buschur in the dsm community. evos are where the money is at, so he’ll treat you good. haha

I wouldn’t say screwed. just more like pissed off.

I don’t understand this thinking. Why wouldn’t he go into something to make more money? He would be dumb not to.

It like those music fans who get pissed at a band for selling out and making different music. The bands would be stupid to play for 50 people at a club when they could play for 50k in an arena.

How can you say it’s cheating because of the model of car?

well redneck I feel im beginning to ruin this post so ill keep it short. He straight up dropped support for older models. If you call the shop to get a tech question like flywheel step height he says did u buy it here… no…click. And he has screwed people over and his quote sponsorships are paying full price retail and broken promises.

Well I am a completely satisfied customer. Everything that I asked to have done was done and fully understood on each side, the expectations of this business relationship!!

I am sorry you had a bad experience but it truly has nothing to do with this particular car and its ability to run 9’s on 93 octane fuel , and almost 8’s on Q16 let alone its ability to trap 155mph with a true street car.

David has his ways either you can trust in him and what he does and knows or you dont. I know that I will have a proven , backed up combination that will give lots of boys fits

EVO VIII Build Thread http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42017

steecityevo I’m glad you have not had bad things come from it and I’m sorry for getting a little hot in your thread. Just one of those things that rub me the wrong way! :dunno: