Daylight Savings?


Should the site automatically update to daylite savings time, because it has not as of yet.

Or is there something I need to do in my options?


The time looks fine to me.
Check your personal DST settings.

The sever hasn’t updated its time I think.

Ya I’m with Gonad on it, Im pretty sure it should adjust on its own.

But I’ll double check my DST settings anyways to be sure.


Looking now, I think it’s actually 2 hours behind. Since I posted at 4pm, and my post says 2:00pm.

Ok, So I changed my DST settings to ‘Always On’ but it is still showing an hour behind, leading me to believe that the system has not refreshed or updated or something of that sort.

Is your time on the boards set to GMT -5?

Thanks Mike, I never changed that… I guess it was my default or something weird.

That worked!

mine is GMT -5 but its 2 hours behind.

SON time = 9:25

My Time = 11:40

Check the DST settings… put it to always on.

The time will not be corrected till the server applies the nessisary updates to the OS that is it using. If you are using a Windows NT or XP environment there is a patch that is required from Microsoft to correct the date when DST will come into effect. Otherwise wait till March 21st when it used to happen and it should be back to normal.

Daylight savings used to be the first Sunday of April, now its the 2nd Sunday of March. Also we will go back first sunday of November.