March 9th DST is here


I did not think it was so soon.

Yep. :tup: to the new DST changes. I’d much rather have more daylight after work.


Figures I have to be up at 5am that morning soo good ol me gets to lose an hour of sleep. Hopefully verizon will take care of the time switching so i wake up on time…

^ If you’re born in june, and you “gain” an hour in fall, then “lose” an hour in spring, arent you even?

what? I just want my extra fucking hour of sleep…

You were born in june, right?

So lets say:

when you were 5 months old, I gave you $1.

when you were 10 months old, I took $1 back.

What time did the train leaving Chicago wreck this thread?

Yay, I love how people complain about losing that hour of sleep instead of gaining an hour of sunlight for 7 months.

Only moranic people.

It’s ok Nikuk, I got this one. You’ve already been told to fuck off once today. :slight_smile:

i really dont see the diff…

:beer: JayS

Funny you mention that, I was looking through weatherdata on my phone the other night (no new magazines in the shitter), and noticed the sunrise / sunset getting just a few minutes further apart each day. It made me excited.

I would prefer to have my hour of sleep. I don’t care for the sunlight.