DC++ for mac?

yes no maybe?

Where would one get this?

shakespeer (google it)

Disconnected from hub!
[02:41] <Bizarro-Bot> YnHub version: 1.033 produced by Yoshi and Nev.
[02:41] <Bizarro-Bot> Your name should have (one of) the following prefix(s): [VPN] This is case sensitive.

what the bloody hell.

You are logging in from off-campus through a VPN tunnel. Put [VPN] in your username.

and while you are correcting that, make sure that you aren’t sharing any incomplete files, or any *.wav files.

use the website!!!


YAY!!! no response needed from me at all… thank you everyone above

where does one change the identity on Shakespeer?

how would one get on this hub w/o a ub id…

ask someone nicely taht goes to ub for their info…